Fund Performance

Total Face Value of Life Policies
Assets Under Management

Class Performance Data

Performance data quoted is net of fees

Dealing Codes




Life Settlements Data

Key Features

Fund Type Cayman Islands Regulated Mutual Fund
Initial Charge Nil - 100% Allocation
Launch Date 1st July 2009
Asset Valuation Methodology Actuarial valuation model adopts “fair market value” principles
Dealing Day First business day of each month
Valuation Frequency Monthly
Liquidity Monthly
ESG Rating 2.18
Management Fee Growth Classes - 1.50% per annum
GrowthPlus Classes - 1.75% per annum
Initial Charge Nil - 100% Allocation
Share Class Currencies USD, EUR, GBP or CHF
Discount Rate 12.0%
Launch Date 1st July 2009
Minimum Subscription Growth Classes - USD1,000,000
GrowthPlus Classes - USD100,000
Base Currency USD